Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Conversation Between Besties!!

Audrey Ryan
Jackie Taylor
Jane Ivy
Cassi Ray 

Hola! Sup my friends?

Nothing much, Audrey.  But, hey, Jane: Say something, because I'm giving up on you. :)

Thanks, that's depressing. No pressure there. :) Loose hope and never come back hahahaha I sound evil....... cackling!!!! hahaha 


I just found a ladybug!!!!

Audrey just blew the ladybug out of Cassi's hand!!  We all screamed a little!!  Jane is scared of ladybugs.  Speaking of which I have a stuffed lady bug named Moshi!! 

I think I killed it.

We all screamed. When we threatened Audrey, she flinched and made a stifled scream :) I think she's scared too... what a hypocrite :)

haha lol?

You're all evil terrible children (except Jackie)

Except you don't really know Jackie that well.... I do. She is a lot different than you would think :) hahaha :) In a good way :) 


Jinx!  Jinx again!  (HAHAHAHA) Is the Frozen Reference appreciated?


You guys :) Are y'all psyched for Saturday? (we're all going to the local theme park)

well yeah!!! :) 

I am so psyched  stoaked...  any other words that start with S?  Let me think: slinky, sledding, second, sleeping... ZZZZZZZZZ!! 


If I was able to go I'd be super stoked. #superprotectedparents 

don't worry, you'll be able to convince them. #superconvincingcassi

Do you guys know where I can get a life-size, gold trophy of a minion?  (from Despicable Me)

Far far away Into the Woods (another play reference :))

Like when spaggehti sticks to your shoe and climb up a thin staircase?

Exactly!! That's exactly what I was talking about.  Here's another question: What does the fox say?

My turn on earth! make it a good one =) The fox says nonsense :)

RINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDI-DING-DI-DING! (the fox never says nonsense, the fox is always right)

he's always right in his nonsensical way..... :) Thus if you want him to be right, he has to speak nonsense.

SIGH. We are listening to "What does the fox say?" right now.  RANDOM THOUGHT: If an animal makes a sound and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?  SOOOO Perplexing.  :)

I don't know, when you make a sound and no one is around can you here it?

It makes sound waves, but if no one's ear is available to interpret it, then it doesn't count as a "sound" itself. :) 

But I heard the sound.

This conversation is making my head spin!!  What have you guys thought of your spring break so far?  #Springbreak=awesome #bikeriding=totslolandfun 

#springbreak=crashingintobarbedwirefences #myhandisinpain 

Is your hand impaled?  HAHAHAHAHA!!  

See you guys later!!!  Have a great Spring Break!!

1 comment:

  1. we were so young! @cassidyrea @joyhappinessandfun @tennisshoesandpromdresses


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